
Many a times
a face in the crowd holds on to the heart,
With stolen smiles
N hide n seek of the eyes,
Conquers the thoughts
Teases the mind n tugs the heart,
Following every move
never taking eyes of the other,
The sign language continues
one after another,
After a long unforeseen rendezvous
the day comes to an end,
N the face is lost in the crowd again.

                                                              Sheena © 2011

40 responses to “Rendezvous

  1. Beautiful poetry Sheena – your page is black and so it is hard to write! 😦

    It is amazing how beautiful faces meet in the street and then are gone forever!

    Love the poem hun!!!

    Huge Hugs!


    • Hi Prenin,
      I was desp trying to find a theme with a complete black background… Of all the trouble i took in finding the HTML codes to make words visible because my theme was set to light n everytime i added a dark background, words would be invisible.. Very long story!! 😉 Sorry for the inconvenience though..
      Thanks for the very kind comments Prenin…
      Hugs to you too!

  2. very nice!!! i love it!!

  3. Beautiful poetry Sheena , the sign language of the eyes
    I love it

    Do you recall? 
    Seeing a person
    You have never met
    You have never
    Seen before
    And made instant
    Eye contact
    You engage
    In conversation
    Standing close
    Close enough to touch
    And then
    Without warning
    You feel their heat
    And sense their heart beat
    A meeting of two hearts
    Takes place
    Your heart is stimulated
    They see it in your eyes
    You see it in their eyes
    You have to leave
    Two spirit hearts
    With a final glance 
    Bid their goodbye
    Two spirits hearts

  4. Hi Sheena! 🙂

    We have the heavy cloud here with the promise of rain – we need it as they are talking about a drought here – so I am staying home! 🙂

    Guns are illegal here in the UK, so Doug would be facing five years in jail just for possession, but he’s more likely to drink the £200 than buy one.

    I hope….

    Your discount card sounds the same as mine in many respects.

    I get a little of what I spend on my card minus my membership ‘fee’, but I keep forgetting the damned card, so I don’t expect much! 🙂

    By the time it reaches your grandkids your card gains will be lost to inflation!!! LoL!!!

    Love and hugs always sweetheart!


    • Hi Prenin,
      It rained yesterday when i was out n the weather till then was bright n sunny… It was just waiting for me to step out… N its sunny again now.. Am sure itl rain again if i go out.. 🙂
      Guns are illegal overhere too unless you have a license n you don get it easily… When there are kitchen knives, who needs guns.. 😉
      I too forget to take my membership card everytime… Not bothered about it.. They can keep my discount…
      Hope you are doing well.. Take care…

      • Hi hun! 🙂

        Shouldn’t have mentioned the rain – it’s been raining all day and has only just stopped!!! 🙂

        Gun licences over here are very strict, but we have gangs of armourers who MAKE working guns from blank firing replicas and even make the ammunition for the guns!

        I was even held at gunpoint about a year ago by a drug dealers runner who wanted to look ‘hard’, but I just called him a tosser and ignored him so his mate Sammy Mallinson put my window through!

        The Police were good though – they actually showed up and (GASP!) I even got a call from the CID!!!

        No idea what happened after that, but the three Mallinson lads are now getting treatment for drug addiction – and my mate works at the homeless charity so the staff are in NO doubt as to what low-lifes they are dealing with!!! 😦

        Sometimes the one thing you need round here is guts…

        Love and hugs!


      • That was quite an experience… Doesn’t happen here… Very rare… But getting call from CID? Cool i guess.. 🙂 You have guts.. I have no idea how i would have reacted.. 🙂 Don even wanna think about it… 🙂
        Take care…

  5. Delightful poem , Sheena, the game of eyes meeting and flirting, and then never to be seen again. Who knows what could have been? and sometimes there’s a feeling of ‘knowing’ although the person be a total stranger, mayhap met in another life?
    Hugs to you my friend and have a wonderful week-end xPenx

    • Hi Penny,
      Oh yes another life.. Will have to agree with you on that… But most of the time its just left unexplained… N leaves us wondering…
      Many thanks for the comment Pen… Hope you had a great weekend… Hugs to you too my friend…

  6. I felt every line of your poem. Nicely done 🙂

  7. I should copye paste “excellent work” everytime i have to post on ur work i guess 😛 hahaha..

    love the theme.

  8. So deep.. and fun!

  9. Hi hun! 🙂

    Just got your comment!!! 🙂

    Yes dreams are strange things.

    I know I dreamed last night, but now I cannot remember other than it was a good one! 🙂

    Sounds like a good lunch – all I seem to eat these days are small amounts of beef mince in nonedescript sauces and chicken in all its options – and not much of it either!!! 😦

    I have to say this diet is a killer – I’m losing weight, but soooo slowly and I have a long way to go before I get to 13 Stone.

    Right now I’m at 116 Kg, but don’t appear to losing much at the moment…

    Yeah I don’t usually use Facebook much – I have few friends on it and only play miniplanet because my friend Gina asked me to! 🙂

    Ooh to win the lottery – thanks for the best wishes!!! 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!


    • Hi Prenin,
      Last night i don remember what i dreamt of but i woke up around 4 in the morning hearing something outside n i couldn’t sleep after that… No idea what that was but it sure did scare me… 🙂
      If i put on even 2 kilos i skip dinner one day or i eat in small amts n it comes back to normal but when i was in hostel i had lost 8 kgs ( i din like the food there) n had to put on weight when i came home… That was a treat… 🙂
      Hugs to you too my friend..

  10. Some lovely poems here Sheena! This one is exceptional. Thanks for the read!

  11. Hi Hun! 🙂

    Once you get past the idea that you’re going to die anyway one day, it kind of puts things in perspective!

    My dad came close to killing me twice when I was a kid, so I had a head start!!!

    Love and squishy hugs!


    • Hi Prenin,
      We are not used to such things overhere so the thought of something like that happening would scare the hell out of me… Nothing would come to mind then… 🙂
      Hugs to you too dear friend

  12. I love that word “Rendezvous” incites a secret place of some kind of enchantment to me. This is a splendid poem reminiscent of a lovely moment.

  13. A perfect ending to the day ..and the start of a night. A sweet , sweet thought.

  14. Love the poem, Sheena – and the new look page. Nice one. Those stolen glances from strangers, where eyes meet, always lift the heart when dressed with a smile.

  15. They sure do Al… Glad you enjoyed the poem…
    About the page i was looking for something with a dark background yet colorful… Am ok with this one… : )
    Many thanks for the comment my friend… Much appreciated…

  16. Hi Sheena!!! 🙂

    Sometimes neighbours can be very inconsiderate – 4am would have seen me burrowing my head under the pillow!!! LoL!!!

    It was a cold caller on the phone trying to get personal information – legit or not, there was no way I was going to give that kind of information out over the phone!!! 😦

    Hmmm… Slightly overweight Cancerian Rat with long history of child care and mental illness? LoL!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!


  17. Tell me about it! Tempo was fine.. Its actually one of their dogs that annoys me or should i say scares the hell out of me… 😀 Somehow that dogs got extra love from nowhere for me n my mom… Everywhere we go it comes behind us n follows us till other dogs start chasing it.. N anything following me human or dog scares me…
    Good you din tell them anything… God knows what new ways ppl come up with to cheat others…
    Have a great day!

  18. I sometimes wish that I could get to know
    the person behind that face some more.

    Lovely thoughts and words Sheena x

  19. The person behind the face will always remain a mystery… Only the moment is left to be cherished…
    Thanks for the comment Gary…

  20. just loved IT Sheena 🙂

  21. An exceptionally beautiful poem, very very nice!

  22. Many thanks Habiba… Appreciate it…

  23. Like ships that pass in the night, a rendezvous
    that has not yet happened, is a rendezvous for
    the future perhaps?

    This is a lovely piece of poetry Sheena…

    Androgoth Xx

  24. That would make it very exciting n hopefully it is..:)
    Thank you for the comment Andro.. Glad you enjoyed the poem..

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